Creative Hands

Founder President's Message

Message from the founder

A Message from Our Founder

As the founder of Creative Hands, I've had the privilege of working with countless individuals and communities affected by various causes. From providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, to supporting education initiatives, to protecting endangered wildlife, our organization has been dedicated to making a positive impact. In this message, I share my personal journey and the inspiration behind our work.

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Community Development

Community Development


Join our efforts to empower communities in Nepal by getting involved in our "Community Development" program. From community building initiatives to sustainable development projects, every action counts in creating a brighter future for these communities.

Our "Community Development" program is dedicated to empowering communities in Nepal by implementing sustainable development projects and community building initiatives. We believe that strong and resilient communities are the foundation of a prosperous society, and that's why we're committed to supporting local initiatives that promote education, healthcare, and economic development.

Some ways you can help include:


  • Community Building: Join our community building initiatives, such as volunteering for local clean-up events, or participating in cultural exchange programs.
  • Sustainable Development Projects:** Support our sustainable development projects, such as renewable energy initiatives, agricultural training programs, or water conservation efforts.
  • Grantmaking: Apply for grants or donations to support your own community development project or initiative.
  • Capacity Building: Participate in capacity building workshops or training sessions to develop skills and knowledge on community development.
  • Advocacy: Advocate for community development issues and policies at the local or national level.


Some additional ideas to consider:


  • Local Partnerships: Partner with local organizations or businesses to support community development initiatives.
  • Skill-Based Volunteering: Offer your professional skills or expertise to support community development projects.
  • Community Outreach: Organize community outreach events or campaigns to raise awareness about community development issues.
  • Funding Research: Conduct research on funding opportunities for community development projects.
  • Capacity Building Training: Provide training and capacity building sessions for community leaders or project managers.


By getting involved with our "Ways to Help Community Development" program, you'll be contributing to the empowerment of communities in Nepal. Every action counts, and together we can create a brighter future for these communities.

Some specific goals we aim to achieve through our "Community Development" program include:


  • Establishing 5 new community development projects
  • Providing training and capacity building sessions for 20 community leaders
  • Raising $50,000 for sustainable development projects
  • Empowering 100 individuals through community outreach programs
  • Establishing partnerships with 10 local organizations


Remember, every small action counts, and together we can make a significant difference in the lives of communities in Nepal.