Creative Hands

Founder President's Message

Message from the founder

A Message from Our Founder

As the founder of Creative Hands, I've had the privilege of working with countless individuals and communities affected by various causes. From providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, to supporting education initiatives, to protecting endangered wildlife, our organization has been dedicated to making a positive impact. In this message, I share my personal journey and the inspiration behind our work.

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Water For People - Nepal

Water For People - Nepal


Your donation to our Water For People - Nepal cause will help bring clean water and sanitation to communities in rural Nepal, improving health, education, and economic opportunities for thousands of people. Your contribution will enable us to design, build, and maintain sustainable water systems that benefit entire communities.

Our Water For People - Nepal cause is dedicated to providing access to clean water and sanitation to rural communities in Nepal, where millions of people lack access to safe and reliable water sources. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation can lead to waterborne diseases, poverty, and limited economic opportunities.

By donating to our Water For People - Nepal cause, you will be helping us:

  • Design, build, and maintain sustainable water systems that provide clean drinking water for entire communities
  • Improve sanitation facilities in schools, healthcare centers, and homes
  • Provide hygiene education and training to promote good hygiene practices
  • Support community-led initiatives to manage and maintain water systems

Some specific areas your donation will support include:

  • Building wells, piped water systems, and other water infrastructure
  • Providing rainwater harvesting systems for schools and healthcare centers
  • Installing sanitation facilities in schools and communities
  • Supporting community-led initiatives for water management and maintenance

By donating to our Water For People - Nepal cause, you will be part of a global effort to provide access to clean water and sanitation for all. Your contribution will have a tangible impact on the lives of thousands of people affected by poverty.

Some of the specific goals we aim to achieve through our Water For People - Nepal program include:

  • Providing clean drinking water for 10,000 people
  • Building 20 new sanitation facilities in schools and communities
  • Training 500 community members in water management and maintenance
  • Improving health outcomes by reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases

Your donation will make a difference in the lives of people who deserve access to clean water and sanitation.